
Below is a list of my released software. For more, you can check out my github profile here.


clTEM is an OpenCL accelerate implementation of the multislice algorithm for simulating transmission electron microscope images. The use of OpenCL means that the code will run on any hardware (AMD, Nvidia and Intel), particularly designed to exploit the power of GPUs.

Strain++ is an open source program used to measure strain from high resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) images. It uses the Fourier space based geometric phase analysis technique and is therefore robust to noise, making it a great tool for quick and easy strain analysis.


EMPeaks is a program written in python designed for interacting with an analysing transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. In particular it uses an OpenGL backend to allow easy and quick manipulation of large datasets. The plugin system allows rapid prototyping and testing of analysis techniques.



CIF2XYZ is a simple program to read in a .cif file and export a supercell in .xyz format. This is particularly useful for creating structures for multisliice simulation.